User Interface Principles Every Designer Must Know

Learn key human-computer interaction (HCI) research findings, and how to apply them to UX design problems

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) integrates concepts and methods from computer science, design, and psychology to build interfaces that are accessible, easy to use, and efficient.

In this course, you will learn about many of the findings from HCI research, which uses controlled experiments to reach conclusions. The course also address how these findings can be translated into specific design recommendations. For example, you will understand how interfaces and input devices (e.g. mouse vs. touchscreen) can burden users and what you can do to improve design.

We include examples from websites, applications, hardware, and physical products.

"An excellent introduction to the principles of user interfaces which dips into considerable detail, guided by an authorative instructor. I'm very impressed."

Adam Turnbull, Director Platform Products
Rail Europe

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UX Certification Credit

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