NN/g History
We have been been practicing, researching, and teaching user experience for over 20 years
Don Norman coined the term “User Experience” while at Apple (the words had been used in a phrase by others, but he made it a job title).
Jakob Nielsen published Usability Engineering, an early defining text for user research methods and best practices, which has since been cited by over 15,000 scholarly articles.
Jakob Nielsen publishes "10 Usability Heuristics”, a usability checklist now referenced and taught around the world as the basic tenets of usability.
Jakob Nielsen advocates for Discount Usability -- a fast, inexpensive, iterative approach to user research which brought usability testing out of academia and into business best practices.
Nielsen Norman Group founded by Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman.
Jakob Nielsen publishes Designing Web Usability, a bestseller defining the field of web usability, now translated in 24 languages.
User Experience World Tour produced by NN/g brought thought leaders in the burgeoning field of UX to cities around the world, giving unprecedented exposure to UX design and research techniques.
Bruce Tognazzini, author of Tog on Interface, joins NN/g as a Principal.
The first Intranet Design Annual awards, the world's most prestigious recognition of high-quality intranet UX.
Don Norman publishes The Design of Everyday Things, which popularized the term “affordances”. This work has now been cited by over 15,000 scholarly articles. Norman also receives the SIG-CHI Lifetime Achievement Award.
NN/g's World Tour evolves into Usability Week, a recurring event with full-day training courses (now known as the NN/g UX Conference).
Don Norman speaks to TED about Emotional Design.
Watershed research findings about how users read online content — the famous F-shaped pattern for reading text on the web — published in Eyetracking Web Usability, by Jakob Nielsen and Kara Pernice
Jakob Nielsen receives the SIG-CHI Lifetime Practice Award, from the foremost academic professional association for the science of Human-Computer Interaction.
UX Certification program launched to recognize achievement of UX Conference attendees who dedicate substantive time to intensive learning.
Updated world-wide study of user experience revisits and updates web usability guidelines from 2002's watershed Designing Web Usability.
NN/g celebrates 20 years and we continue to lead the industry with research-based recommendations for facing today's user experience challenges.