Refresher for UX Pros Courses

  • Attend NN/g courses at the UX Conference, or arrange Team Training for your team.

  • Application Design for Web and Desktop

    GUI screen components, workflows, user types, design patterns, and ways of interacting with complex data

    Design applications for desktop and laptop computers that are understandable, learnable, and efficient.

    • Learn about user workflows and designing for complex tasks
    • Guidelines for app structure and time-tested interface patterns
    • Explore methods of showing, interacting with, and managing complex data
  • Lean UX and Agile

    Applying Lean UX approaches for Agile environments

    • How to incorporate user experience techniques within Agile development
    • Apply Lean UX practices for shipping quality products quickly
  • Effective Ideation Techniques for UX Design

    Systematic methods for creative solutions to any UX design or redesign challenge

    • Understand how to improve the idea-generation phase of your UX design process
    • Practice a wide range of user-centered ideation techniques and learn how to adapt them for your team or project
    • Approach your design challenges with a fresh perspective
  • Emerging Patterns in Interface Design

    Innovative trends that impact the user experience

    • Learn emerging design patterns and trends that apply to a broad range of mainstream website types
    • Decide whether to upgrade your site's user experience with new trends and design ideas
    • Get insights needed to help you assess new ideas and determine which will work best for your site
  • Omnichannel Journeys and Customer Experience

    Create a usable and cohesive cross-channel experience by following guidelines to resolve common user pain points in a multi-channel landscape

    • Understand how customers interact with organizations through many channels and touch points
    • Discuss guidelines for creating seamless and cohesive users experiences as users interact with organizations over time and across channels
    • Learn how to research your omnichannel user experience to identify pain points
    • Discuss common barriers for success and how to position your organization to overcome them
  • Persuasive and Emotional Design

    Create delightful experiences that touch, convince, or excite your audience

    • Practical tips to boost user trust and enhance delight
    • Influencing techniques translated to interface elements
    • Guidelines to create designs that truly resonate with users
  • UX Deliverables

    Effectively communicate UX design ideas and research findings to managers, collaborators, and other stakeholders.

    • Learn how to effectively document and clearly communicate your design and research findings to all stakeholders, including: managers, clients, and developers.
    • Improve key deliverables such as: wireframes and prototypes, user journeys, flowcharts, personas, presentations, and usability reports.
  • Generating Big Ideas with Design Thinking

    Unearthing user pain points to drive breakthrough design concepts

    • Learn how to identify user pain points through empathy and as-is scenario mapping
    • Determine the user’s needs and pinpoint opportunities for improvement 
    • Leverage needs statements to generate transformational design concepts
  • Assessing UX Designs Using Proven Principles

    Generate insights, product scorecards and competitive analyses, even when you don’t have access to user data

    • Apply your UX knowledge to analyze user interfaces according to best practices, generating improvements and assessments of current design quality
    • Produce product scorecards using data as well as expert analysis; compare your UX with competing products
    • Track and manage UX quality over time through scorecards