Web Usability Courses

  • Attend NN/g courses at the UX Conference, or arrange Team Training for your team.

  • Web Page UX Design

    Designing successful web pages based on content priority, visual design, and the right page components to meet objectives.

    • Explore the key design considerations that collectively create an effective web page for you and your customers
    • Apply layout-related design principles to indicate priority of content, and lead users through the web page effectively
    • Understand how particular page elements influence user behavior
    • Discuss common page types and what design decisions support the objectives for such pages
  • Emerging Patterns in Interface Design

    Innovative trends that impact the user experience

    • Learn emerging design patterns and trends that apply to a broad range of mainstream website types
    • Decide whether to upgrade your site's user experience with new trends and design ideas
    • Get insights needed to help you assess new ideas and determine which will work best for your site
  • The Human Mind and Usability

    Apply psychology principles to predict and explain how your customers think and act

    • Go beyond purely complying with usability guidelines to reach an understanding of their underlying reasoning
    • Apply findings from well-known psychology research studies to explain behavior observed in usability testing and anticipate the impact of future designs
    • Design better interfaces from inception by knowing human limitations and easing the load on the user
  • UX Basic Training

    Be an effective UX professional: Know the lingo and sell the process

    • Understand the purpose and roles of UX professionals throughout a project lifecycle
    • Know when to apply which research methods and how to use the data to improve design
    • Assess your organization’s commitment to UX
    • Learn tips for promoting UX as a competitive advantage
  • Navigation Design

    Menu styles and UI components for effective navigation

    • How to approach navigation design...after you've structured your content and features
    • Key navigation evaluation and design criteria
    • Components that support structure, communicate accurate mental maps, visualize paths and provide nodes
    • What works and what doesn't as observed in testing