
Maria Rosala

Maria Rosala is a User Experience Specialist with Nielsen Norman Group. She plans and executes independent research for NN/g and leads UX training courses. Her strength in various research methodologies enables Maria to derive in-depth insight and guide clients as they improve the UX of products and services.



Articles and Videos

  • Why User Interviews Fail

    User interviews are often used for the wrong purpose, they’re not planned or analyzed properly, and stakeholders don’t see the value in doing them.

  • 3 Design Considerations for Effective Mobile-App Permission Requests

    Mobile permission requests are often poorly designed. Consider the content and timing of these requests, avoid dark patterns, and enable users to reverse their decision.

  • Designing Effective App Permission Requests

    App permission requests are an important part of the overall user experience, yet they are often neglected by app designers. Here are 3 tips for designing them well: get content, timing, and decision reversal right, or users will just say NO.

  • Status Trackers and Progress Updates: 16 Design Guidelines

    Status trackers are pull; progress updates are push. Both are used to track the delivery of a product or service. When they work together effectively, users are informed and in control.

  • Designing for Friction and Flow in Customer Journeys

    Friction and Flow are two concepts in interaction design that assist users in their tasks, whether this is to prevent errors or to encourage completion. As designers, it's important to use both as and when required in the user journey. This video explains when you might need to consider adding friction into the user journey.

  • Formative vs. Summative Usability Evaluation

    Usability testing and other UX evaluation methods can be divided into two major categories: formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Both have their place, but at different stages in the design lifecycle, and they have different characteristics, for example in the number of test participants needed for a good study.