Engaging Stakeholders to Build Buy-In

Get stakeholders on your side to launch the best possible UX design, content strategy, and other design priorities

A recent poll of creative project managers identified a lack of clarity, poor communication and expectation management amongst stakeholders as the top 3 reasons projects get derailed.

It seems that to get usable sites live, we first need to get the stakeholders on our side and fully engaged. Forget, or fail, to do this and the chances of scope creep, deadlines being missed and compromised work going live are greatly increased. For example, in a UK survey of content strategists, it was revealed that up to 25% of content that had already been created never got published, largely due to issues with stakeholder sign off.

The importance of buiding stakeholder buy-in is easy to say and hard to do well. Politics, time poverty, lack of knowledge — even a lack of interest — are all the enemies of good stakeholder relations. But the good news is that there are tried and tested ways to build strong, mutually supportive relationships with your stakeholders. This seminar will inspire you with case studies, tips and techniques to transform the way you work together. Plus you’ll get to share some great war stories with your peers…

"I loved this course. I am used to pushing pixels around the screen, but as I've branched out into a UX Designer role at a large corporation, I have struggled with office politics. This course has helped me see those challenges in a new light, as a problem to solve or asset to exploit more than a burden."

Anna Willoughby, Cincinnati, OH

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