Attending this course and passing the exam earns 1 UX Certification credit, which also counts towards the optional UX Research Specialty.
Learn more about NN/g's UX Certification Program.
Gather insights virtually through usability testing and other remote methods
Sample documents:
Take-home practice and learning worksheets
Nielsen Norman Group reports on recruiting participants and conducting user testing
You will practice key skills for your own remote usability studies during this course and receive expert feedback.
This course also includes:
Remote User Research |
Many of these topics are also covered in our Qualitative Research Series. In addition to remote research, the series also covers key user research methodologies in-depth: including usability testing and user interviews. The series takes place over a longer period of time (5 consecutive half-days), and features two expert instructors instead of one.
Attending this course and passing the exam earns 1 UX Certification credit, which also counts towards the optional UX Research Specialty.
Learn more about NN/g's UX Certification Program.
"This course was fantastic. I cannot recommend it enough. It had great breath and depth - from tool pros/cons and recommendations to documentation examples. The content I learned in the course will also translate well in non-remote contexts as well."
Katie Oeschger, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
"It was a great course, I got an over view about most effective research methods and how to run them remotley which will help the researchers ariund the world to access their target segments easily."
Reem AlShabanat, Jawwy from stc (Saudi Telecom Company), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
"Actionable advice how to improve your remote usability testing."
Joanna Lempart,, Poznań, Poland
"Remote User Research is the way of the future and a crucial tool to any UX team. Kate Moran did an impeccable job bringing in real-life examples, remote testing techniques, cost breakdowns, and methods for implementations. This course prepares you with a starter-kit to create successful remote studies for your own teams."
Waz Pinard, Google, San Francisco
More Participant Comments
"For my organisation — def recommend! Even though we are already conducting remote testing, there was so much to learn here and it was so useful to refresh on best practice."
Charlie Hales, Office for National Statistics, Cardiff, UK
"If you are debating whether to take this course, please take it and you will be grateful for your choice later. You will get a much clearer grasp of the tools and best practices about remote research and extra extra bonus — very applicable templates that you can immediately plug and play in your own research."
Yingdi Qi, Google, San Jose
"If you're doubting whether or not you can get the full educational and networking benefits of a conference in virtual form — sign up and prepare to be DAZZLED! Kate did an incredible job of creating thorough, organized content and walking through it at the perfect pace for our group. Kate sharing her experiences working on different types of projects and the insights from doing this work in many different settings gave me a lot of trust that I was learning from the "right person." I felt more "heard" and like I had more of an opportunity to speak and ask questions than I ever have in a session in a traditional classroom setting or breakout lecture. Kate did an incredible job of breaking regularly to read the questions in the chat box, and Nichole noting any inquiries that may not have been seen to follow back up on really gave the feeling that nobody would walk away without their questions answered, which is a MASSIVE value add and trust builder for me. Your support staff (especially Shibu) does a great job of connecting with you proactively on issues. This is my first virtual conference experience and I basically never want to go to a conference in-person again."
Amberly Miller, Centene Corporation, Charlotte NC
"I can only recommend the course. I learned a lot from the examples and took away a lot of useful information and tools."
Angelika Brand, Freelancer, Munich, Germany
"A resource-rich course, both in materials supplied by the instructor and all the tools referenced during the class. Remote user research is as much about preparation of many details as it is about managing risks. Kate covered all the aspects thoroughly."
Alison Ruge, Colorado CodeCraft, Denver, CO
"This course gives tools and techniques for various types of user research. It covers a remote study from beginning to end. I really like all the resources that come with taking this course."
Abygail Guerrero, USAA, San Antonio, USA
"For me the most useful was when Kate shares with us with her own "failures". Of course that's an ordinary part of our job, but it's not so common to speak about it at loud at "UX environment". I love that! I am also impressed about how she was prepared.. She was talking all day long without any pause and hesitating. Learning from Kate is a pleasure. :) Presentation and other materials which we received are transparent and consize. That was my first NNG course but I'm sure I want to take part in other courses in the future too! Great job! < 3"
"Lots of practical tips, very useful for beginners and experienced researchers alike."
Stéphanie Colle, ING Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
"Where do I start?? My agency has done a few remote user tests using Optimal Workshop and TryMyUI, but I've learned SO much more about additional options for testing and things we should be doing to get the most out of our research. There's very little time spent on theory; all the advice is extremely practical and useful.
Also, the amount of resources and handouts is more than I've ever received in any training or conference in my professional career! These will be incredibly useful references going forward."
"I strongly recommend this course!"
Chatziliadi Eva, Skroutz, Athens, Greece
"I would recommend this course to others. The content was practical and usable, and the materials that go alongside will help me to put these learnings into practice."
Angela Conway, PwC, Northumberland, UK
"It is a fantastic course on User research and lots of hints and tips about how to work remotely. Even if you have done lots before there is stuff to learn and confirm. Very well delivered."
Matt Culverwell, Bristol
"I thoroughly recommend this course. The topic of remote usability testing is highly relevant at this point in time, and the provided materials are an incredible resource to be able to access."
Joel Louie, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
"It was great watching how real remote research was conducted. The course provided real case studies, so that we can learn from real life."
Nuranti Mandrini, Australian Government, Australia
"You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the remote research methods available to you, along with their strengths and limitations. This course is very relevant as the way we conduct business adapts to our changing world."
Gio Ledda, Ledda Studio, Calgary, Canada
"The course covers in detail how to plan, conduct and run remote user research with confidence. The content is easy to grasp and nicely structured, from explaining high-level concepts first and then drilling into more detail. It shows the different types of research activities, discusses the pros and cons of each approach and provides guidance on best practices and how to avoid some potential pitfalls. I would advise for someone who already has some understanding of UX research and would like to focus on remote research. If you're new to research, I think this might be too advanced."
Fred Aragao, Freelance UX Consultant, Hong Kong
"The course gave me valuable insights in remote user research which, I believe, will be conducted more regularly in the post-pandemic world."
David Yap, NCS Pte Ltd, Singapore
"This course provides all the rigour, best practices and to-do's while conducting remote research. Really great to hit the ground running."
Rashi Allot, Freelancer, Vancouver, Canada
"Do it! I have taken a few NN/g courses and really enjoyed this one! I also needed the usability information, so that was super helpful and timely!"
Alex Bailey,, Decatur
"This course will open up new possibilities for your user research giving you a solid foundation to start working remotely. Highly recommended!"
Angel Sauro, Swedish National Agency for Education, Stockholm, Sweden
"I would highly recommend this course! Coming with a basic background in user research, I felt like my understand was greatly deepened. I left with some clear, functional takeaways that I'll use in my day to day."
Nora Vanni, Postlight, Minneapolis, USA
"Great course for those looking to conduct remote research. Awesome tips and tricks to get the ball rolling."
Hannah Martin, Leger, Edmonton, Canada
"This class was incredibly helpful for the "new normal" we now work in. My favourite aspect was learning about the various tools available, and special considerations when selecting which one will work best for your team."
Marcia MacAdam, Davis Pier Consulting, Halifax, NS, Canada
"The sheer amount of content supplied (template and reports and so on) is very impressive."
Mark Cleary, Kiwibank, New Zealand
"Wonderful course! Well organized and covered lots of good Remote Testing preparation techniques and scenarios."
Kesha Watson, Bennumedia, Chicago
"Absolutely recommend it! it was packed with good value and had great activities."
Simina Megyes, Timisoara, Romania
"This course allowed me to discover a lot of mistakes I made in my remote user research. I highly recommend anyone wishing to do so to stop hesitating. But if you have a beginner's level of English, take English course first otherwise it will be difficult to understand everything."
Cheikh, Orange, Dakar - Senegal
"These courses are really empowering!"
Delorme, Softeam, Paris, France
"The course is a great way to super-charge your remote UX research. At the start of the pandemic I was forced to do all user testing remote, this caused me to stumble about on my own. I wish I followed this course 2 years ago!"
Kevin Mol, Shoeby, Utrecht, The Netherlands
"Great course, easy to follow, nice exercises and got a lot of useful info."
David Iftime, Bucharest, Romania
"I give this course a 10/10 and almost would go as far as saying this course should be mandatory for any UX practitioner operating remotely. The course content is filled with valuable tools and helpful insights that will boost your skills and performance as a researcher in todays remote climate."
Gavin Quinn, By Light, San Diego
"This course's contents are quite handy, especially in today's pandemic times when remote user research is happening more often. Kate's positive energy and charisma made the course fun and engaging, with the many examples and anecdotes that she shared with us."
Daniel González López, Microsoft, Madrid, Spain
"This is a very good introduction to many aspects of remote user testing. And there's enough attention to the pros and cons of the different methods."
Serge Vernaillen, Flemish Government, Brussels, Belgium
"This course is full of useful information regarding remote user testing. I would recommend this course for intermediate researchers who are looking for tips, tricks, and methods to take their remote research to the next level! The instructor is very knowledgeable and took the time to answer our questions."
Ali Petrizzi, Vera Bradley, Fort Wayne, IN, USA
"The NN/g Remote User Research course provided a good overview of methods and best practices. The contextualized research examples and template resources were incredibly useful for novice and experienced researchers."
Shaunna Smith, Ad Hoc, Honolulu, USA
"It was evident that Kate is passionate about UX and provided an incredibly engaging session. Each topic area was supported with real-world examples, learnings and ideas to be strategic in remote research. I'm also very impressed with the quality of materials provided in the course (slides, findings report, etc.)."
Lindsey Peerenboom, Salt River Project, Phoenix, AZ United States
"I would strongly recommend this course . I liked the course because the activities allowed me to think deeply and the instructor's style of teaching was great. However, I struggled a lot to focus my attention as the class was taking place during the night time. But finally I did it and I love the session!!!"
Goveravaram Archana Das, HCLI, Singapore
"I found the course very engaging - going in I was nervous as I had no experience in this area, by the end I was confident in my ability through the speakers ability to explain things well and the group exercises - would definitely recommend!"
Rohit Shukla, Black Pepper Software Limited, LEAMINGTON SPA, UK
"This was a great course and very timely during the pandemic. Outside of that, remote usability is much needed in our company where users are around world and budget and time are at a minimum. I'm looking forward to applying all the techniques and processes I learned over the two [half] days. While the conference was virtual, I was incredibly impressed on how smoothly everything went and the opportunities to work with other participants in breakout rooms. I didn't feel I was missing much to that of an in person session. Great job!"
Collect insightful data about your users without leaving your desk. Remote research has a lot of benefits: it’s inexpensive, quick, and can provide better access to your users (particularly if they are not nearby or inclined to travel to you).
But there are a lot of risks in remote research. A study can easily be derailed by technical mishaps, miscommunication, misunderstandings, and poor planning. Learn how to avoid those pitfalls and run a flawless remote study.
This course has a special focus on remote usability testing (both moderated and unmoderated): the most popular and flexible tool for UX researchers. It also covers some important aspects of running remote versions of other methodologies, including interviews, card sorting, tree testing, and diary studies. Surveys and analytics are not covered in this course.
Rob Vanasco
Regions, St. Petersburg, FL