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Jakob Nielsen keynote: NYC, Berlin, London, and Las Vegas 2019


Jakob Nielsen presented the keynote at the UX Conference in these locations:

  • Berlin conference: Wednesday, 2 October 2019 at 17:30 (5:30 PM)
  • New York City conference: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 5:30 PM
  • London conference: Tuesday, 19 November 2019 at 17:30 (5:30 PM)
  • Las Vegas conference: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 5:30 PM

The keynote session will happen after the regular seminars and is open to all conference attendees, whether or not you are registered for a seminar on the date of the keynote session. So plan to arrive early if you're starting your main conference sessions the following day.

There will be a short networking reception with drinks during the time between the end of the regular sessions at 5:00 PM and the start of the keynote at 5:30 PM. The keynote is scheduled for an hour and will end around 6:30 PM. The session will include a substantial Q&A segment at the end, so come prepared with your questions.


The Dualities of User Experience

Surprisingly many issues in the user-experience field don’t have a simple answer. Rather there’s a tension between two good answers that are often polar opposites. Yet, both extremes can be useful perspectives, and both have their advocates when people debate UX. How do we resolve these differences? Can we declare victory for one side, and if so which one? It is possible to design a perfect user interface?

(A video of this keynote presentation is now available.)


(Videos from past keynotes are at the bottom of this page.)

Jakob Nielsen speaking in London 2019
Jakob Nielsen speaking at the 2019 London keynote session
Jakob Nielsen speaking at the 2018 New York City keynote session
Keynote audience at the New York City conference, 2018
Keynote audience at the New York City conference, 2018
Jakob Nielsen presenting keynote at UX Conference London
Keynote at the London UX Conference, 2017
Jakob Nielsen
Jakob Nielsen speaking at the 2016 London keynote session
Jakob Nielsen
Jakob Nielsen speaking at the 2016 New York City keynote session
Jakob Nielsen
Jakob Nielsen speaking at the 2015 London keynote session
New York City keynote session
After the New York 2015 keynote session

Recordings of Past Keynotes

Jakob Nielsen's 2020/2021 keynote, recorded at the February Virtual UX Conference (36 minute video): UX 2050

Jakob Nielsen's 2020 mini-keynote, recorded at the October Virtual UX Conference (13 min. video): Vocabulary Inflation in UX

Jakob Nielsen's 2019 keynote, recorded in Las Vegas (34 min. video): Dualities of User Experience

Jakob Nielsen's 2018 keynote, recorded in Las Vegas (39 min. video): The Immutable Rules of UX.

Jakob Nielsen's 2017 keynote, recorded in Las Vegas (30 min. video, different talk than the Copenhagen keynote): 10 UX Challenges for the Next 25 Years.

Jakob Nielsen's 2017 keynote, recorded in Copenhagen (38 min. video, different talk than the Las Vegas keynote): Is UX Getting Better or Worse?

The first part of Jakob Nielsen's 2016 keynote, recorded in London (21 min. video): Web UX 2016 vs 2004.

The second part of Jakob Nielsen's 2016 keynote, recorded in Las Vegas (17 min. video): How to Maximize User Research Insight.