Investor Relations (IR) on Corporate Websites
Individual License
Investors want more than just financial data. They want the company's story and business vision. A welldesigned IR section can help investors feel connected with an organization. We present techniques for simplifying complex content and making it appealing to different audiences, from entrylevel investors to professional investors and business journalists.
This 206-page report offers 103 design recommendations for improving the design of IR areas of corporate websites. Discussions and 157 screenshot illustrations supplement the findings.
This 3rd edition contains new and updated screenshot illustrations and changes in IR usability over time.
This report is based on user research with investors, financial analysts and advisors, and business journalists. We used 5 different research methods:
In total, 63 people tested 94 websites. The studies took place in 3 countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, and China (Hong Kong).